WOOO!! yeah! a... post
how medium rare.
not much of an update, I'm afraid. just a couple of one shots, WOO!!
and these are on dA.
and some one of them are old.
hey guess what.
I'll upload just wheneevverr!! iffin' you're one of those rare people that care (my fault for 1 sucking, and 2 for never updating) ask me and I will personally tell you when I update the comic next!
good news in all of this is that I've been working on my comic class homework and have gotten some pretty interesting parodies for the adventures of lloyd 8D
that's kind of exciting, right, riiight?
I suppose my people who even come here anymore want to know about my art stuff and whatnot. I've been working on digital coloring and experimenting with color in general. I plan on working with traditional coloring media on my next piece here (after I finish those ten other projects lying around/more one-shot comics for comic-heads{comic-club here at MCAD}) I have alot of conceptual pieces for the adventures of lloyd right now, actually XD! Like, liiike... the ones above here, haha. It's my way of giving it attention while it's not my full... attention... yeah! 8D
Also, I'm starting to work with traditional comic art inking tools and whatnot like the nib pen, india ink, whatnot. All wannabe inkers out there should know that micron pigma pens are liars and are actually shit in the long run. For one, they fade in light.... like, so easily. Hell, they fade when one erases lines over the pencils. Trust me, stick to the nib at the beginning, it's easier later on D8
also!! My picture, Pepper Lies made it into the Made at MCAD exhibition the main gallery, so that's pretty nice (to me)
WOO!!! a micron drawing sitting in the sun for a month...!!!
XD! But I feel honored to have made it in, out all the students at MCAD who submitted their art... ;n;
enjoy some drooling priest and what...not....